The ankle joint is often damaged as it bears heavy loads. A doctor can diagnose ankle arthrosis based on symptoms and prescribe treatment. The disease does not depend on age and gender; the tissues become thin and destroyed, which can lead to disability.
Arthrosis affects 12% of the population and the disease most often affects women of retirement age.
As mentioned, the ankle can withstand a large load. It keeps the body upright and allows a person to move. Its violation changes the usual way of life.
Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint (symptoms and treatment may vary) is a chronic disease in which irreversible processes occur in the cartilage.
The disease appears gradually. A healthy person has a smooth articular surface. When overloaded, it promotes slippage during physical activity.
With arthrosis, tissue nutrition and metabolism deteriorate. The outer surface of the joint changes, becomes rough, the cartilage touches and inflammation appears. When a person lifts heavy objects, the load falls on the bone, which leads to degenerative disorders.
If treatment is not started, serious pathologies develop. In the later stages, cartilage and tissue are affected, the synovial membrane is irritated and the joint loses stability. In this case, the supporting function suffers, movements become difficult.
The types
There are several types of arthrosis depending on different criteria:
- causes of occurrence (primary, secondary);
- stages of arthrosis;
- localization of the pathology;
- forms of localization (generalized and local);
- course of the disease (acute and chronic).
Classification criteria | Types of arthrosis |
place of manifestation | knee, wrist, ankle, elbow, shoulder and cervical arthrosis. |
the cause of the show |
localization |
the course of the disease |
Ankle arthrosis is divided into primary (degenerative processes begin in healthy cartilage due to excessive physical activity) and secondary (destructions are diagnosed, dystrophic changes appear in the cartilage tissue).
Phases and degrees
Ankle arthrosis (symptoms and treatment directly depend on the patient's age) can occur in different ways. For some, many years pass from the appearance of the first symptoms to the critical stage, while for others the disease develops rapidly.
It depends on the age and concomitant diseases when the therapy was started. As ankle arthrosis progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced.
There are 4 stages of the disease.
- The first stage is often ignored. The main symptoms: stiffness that appears in the morning, a characteristic crackle when walking. Pathogenic changes are not detected in the image; the destructive process has already begun.
- Morning stiffness lasts longer. It will take 20-30 minutes to develop the leg. Some patients experience lameness. On an x-ray you can see stage 2 pathology from bone growths and bone displacement.
- In stage 3, symptoms become more pronounced. Painful sensations appear in a calm state, the patient cannot do without sedatives. Lameness becomes noticeable and sometimes crutches are needed. This joint swells, changes, the muscles become thinner and decrease in volume. The joint space narrows, as can be seen on an X-ray, and osteophytes form.
- The last stage develops in the absence of treatment. Cartilage is destroyed, joint surfaces grow together. The patient cannot walk.
There are several degrees of arthrosis:
- First step– X-ray shows no changes or articulations. There is mild morning stiffness. At this stage it is necessary to start treatment.
- In the second degreeactivity becomes difficult, a cracking noise is heard while walking, swelling is observed. X-ray shows a decrease in the inter-articular space. The person limps and morning stiffness lasts longer.
- In the third degreeclearly marked crucarthrosis, joint deformation. Muscles atrophy even more, movements become limited. Continuous rest is required. The pain does not go away even in this condition.
- In the last stepThere is practically no common space, activity is almost impossible. X-ray allows you to diagnose a large number of osteophytes. Only surgical intervention is prescribed.

Ankle arthrosis appears gradually, so treatment should be started when the first symptoms appear to prevent the condition from worsening and complications occurring.
Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint is characterized by several symptoms (they affect the treatment method):
- The pain is initially moderate and appears only during physical activity. Over time, the pain becomes stronger and bothers you at rest;
- with injuries and displacement, swelling and inflammatory manifestations appear, and there is an increase in temperature in the area of the injury;
- "Dry" clicking accompanied by pain;
- dislocation, as the cartilage tissue becomes thinner and degrades, the joint loses stability. Bones are displaced and fall out of the joint capsule;
- joint stiffness;
- when walking, a person gets tired quickly;
- in the last stages the joint is deformed.

If at least one symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Reasons for submission
Osteoarthritis of the ankle (symptoms and treatment are often caused by age-related changes) affects the older generation. Recently, the pathology has been observed in young people.
Provocative factors are:
- injuries, dislocations and bruises;
- age-related disorders in joints and ligaments;
- inflammatory processes;
- overweight;
- violation of metabolic processes;
- congenital foot deformity and flat feet that appeared during life;
- hereditary predisposition;
- excessive physical activity;
- using uncomfortable shoes;
- diseases of the endocrine system;
- osteochondrosis.

Less synovial fluid is produced, causing the cartilage to be less nourished. The joint space narrows, which can lead to bone fusion. Crusarthrosis appears, which cannot be reversed. Despite this, treatment should be prescribed immediately to prevent the progression of the disease.
The diagnosis of arthrosis consists of the study of existing symptoms and data obtained from research. Since there are no tests that can clearly determine the pathology, doctors recognize laboratory methods as insufficient.
During remission, indicators are normal; during relapse, a blood test shows an increased level of ESR and c-reactive protein. This means that the pathology has already begun.
To confirm the diagnosis, instrumental methods are used:
- Simpleradiographyis the most reliable method. Muscles do not perceive X-rays equally: soft ones transmit them, while strong ones absorb them. The study reveals the disease itself and its consequences.
The image allows you to analyze the condition of the bone surfaces in the joints, the shape, size and location of the structures in relation to each other, the condition of the tissues and the size of the joint space. Thanks to these data, the degree of pathology can be determined.
If the ankle is affected, the diagnosis is carried out in the lateral, posterior and posterior projections with the leg moved inwards. If there are corresponding symptoms (narrowing of the joint space, osteophytes and other signs), arthrosis is diagnosed.
- Nuclear magnetic resonancedetermines the disruption of the operation of hydrogen molecules under the influence of a strong magnetic field. Allows you to explore areas of the body that contain water.
The dark shade in the image represents bones, as their water content is much less, and muscles, nerves and discs appear lighter. Diagnostics also reveals minor disorders in bone tissue and joints. The procedure is shown before joint replacement. The only negative is the high cost of diagnostics.
- Magnetic resonance imagingvery accurately examines the ligamentous structure of the joint, muscle tissue and cartilage. Thanks to the study, a specialist can assess the condition of the joints of the lower leg, which makes it possible to identify the pathology at the beginning of its development. The procedure is painless and takes about 30 minutes.
During the procedure, radio waves and strong magnetic radiation affect the person. It should be remembered that the magnetic field is dangerous for the physiological state. MRI is prohibited in case of neuropsychic disorders, pregnancy and the presence of metal objects in the body.
- ULTRASOUNDenables an accurate diagnosis. The device produces waves that are reflected by the tissue and recorded on the screen. The doctor examines the image and makes a diagnosis. For image clarity, a gel is used that removes air and provides easy movement across the surface.
The advantages of this procedure are health safety, affordable price and high accuracy.
- Bone scintigraphy– a study that makes it possible to determine pathological disorders in bones using isotopes. A special substance containing labeled atoms is injected into the patient's body. Pathological areas are divided into cold and hot.
In the first there are no isotopes, the blood circulation in them is weaker and they are not detected during the scan. This includes places where malignant tumors have appeared. In hot areas, isotopes collect more actively and are clearly detected during scanning. These areas indicate the occurrence of inflammatory processes.
This study makes it possible to separate arthrosis from similar diseases with similar clinical signs; based on the results, the doctor makes a prognosis and prescribes treatment.
The main contraindications for the study are carrying a child, breastfeeding and taking medications containing barium.
- Joint punctureis a procedure where the doctor inserts a needle into the joint cavity to collect synovial fluid for analysis.
This biomaterial continues to be studied in the future; based on the results, the specialist determines the characteristic features of the disease and at what stage of development it is. For ankle arthrosis, a puncture is made in the front between the outer ankle and the extensor digitorum longus tendon.

When you see a doctor
If the treatment of arthrosis is not started in time, incapacity for work and sometimes even disability appears. Some patients do not rush to seek help because they do not know which doctor to make an appointment with. At the first symptoms, you should visit a rheumatologist who diagnoses dystrophic and inflammatory changes in the joints.
You should contact him if:
- there is discomfort and pain in the joints after excessive load, at the end of the working day;
- it is difficult to find a comfortable position for the legs at night;
- the joints swell, the skin becomes red;
- there is a sharp pain, it is difficult to move;
- popping and clicking sounds appear;
- joints are deformed.
With the help of modern diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, it is possible to avoid surgical intervention and preserve joint function.
Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint (symptoms and treatment can be checked with a doctor) can be prevented.
To prevent arthrosis, experts recommend following some rules:
- wear comfortable shoes that fit properly and do not have heels;
- keep the right food, drink enough clean water;
- choose a suitable complex of vitamins and minerals;
- exercises;
- take more frequent walks in the fresh air;
- avoid excessive stress on the feet;
- avoid hypothermia;
- is regularly monitored by doctors;
- give up bad habits;
- do a set of exercises to warm up the ankle joint.

It is especially important to adjust your diet. Nutritionists have agreed on a menu that will prevent the aggravation of the disease and saturate the body with the necessary substances.
- You should eat often and in small portions.
- Drink at least 2 liters of clean water.
- Avoid sweet and salty foods.
- Do not eat food 4 hours before bedtime.
- Steam foods, bake, boil.
Fasting and a strict diet for arthrosis are strictly prohibited to prevent the leaching of calcium necessary for the restoration of bones and cartilage.
Treatment methods
Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment should begin immediately. It is impossible to completely get rid of arthrosis, the main thing is to slow down the destructive processes and increase the remission period. Various techniques are used for this purpose.
Various medications are used to treat arthrosis:
- Anti-inflammatoryand sedatives eliminate the source of inflammation and relieve pain. Tablets and ointments are used. The sooner anti-inflammatory medications are taken, the greater the chance of saving the joint.
- Glucocorticoidsare used if the above drugs do not bring the desired result. They are produced in the form of an injection solution and injected into the joint.
- Chondroprotectorsnecessary to slow down the process of cartilage destruction.
The treatment regimen and drug dosage are determined by the doctor based on the severity of the symptoms, concomitant diseases and other factors. Self-medication is strictly prohibited in order not to worsen the situation.
Traditional methods
Regarding the traditional methods of treating arthrosis, doctors know their beneficial properties and positive effects. Traditional medicine is also used as disease prevention.
The main prescriptions for the treatment of ankle arthrosis are as follows:
- Burdock leaves are washed well and applied with the soft side to the skin. The plant is fixed with a bandage or food film and left overnight.
- Heat sea salt (buckwheat, sand) in a pan, pour it on a linen cloth and apply it to the injured area. Keep until the salt cools down. This is an effective way to relieve pain.
- Pour the triple column over the lilac, leave it in a dark place for 2 weeks, rub the injured area twice a day.
- Grind eggshells into powder, take 0. 5 tsp. before eating.

The use of traditional treatment methods must be agreed with the attending physician. This is not the only measure, but an addition to the main therapy.
Other methods
When conservative therapy does not bring positive effects, they use radical measures - surgery.
As a rule, indications for surgery are:
- recurrent and primary arthrosis of 3-4 degrees;
- complications;
- severe and prolonged pain radiating to the knee;
- visible lameness;
- paralysis of leg muscles;
- deterioration of joint flexion-extension properties and leg support ability.
The following surgical interventions are used for foot arthrosis:
- Arthrodesis– surgery to immobilize the joint. Its task is to restore the lost ability to support the limb. The main disadvantage is the possibility of bone fusion, which leads to immobility, so it is used very rarely.
- Arthroscopyis a minimally invasive procedure in which the doctor cuts into the joint and inserts an arthroscope. The surgeon performs a visual examination and assesses the condition of the intra-articular structures and, if necessary, removes parts of the damaged joint or blood clots from the synovial fluid. With this operation, the risk of recurrence is very high.
- Endoprostheticsperformed in particularly severe cases. It makes it possible to replace a damaged joint in a certain part or completely. Prostheses with modernized mechanics are used and last up to 20 years.
The main contraindications for surgery are age under 12 years, fistula in the joint, diabetes mellitus, heart dysfunction and infectious diseases.
Possible complications
If treatment is delayed or missed, the following complications may occur:
- disability;
- deformation that cannot be restored;
- passivity and immobility of the joint;
- decline in the quality and standard of living.

In addition to these complications, the chronic course of the disease is accompanied by pain, discomfort and the inability to lead an active lifestyle.
To make gymnastics, medication and folk treatment more effective, it is recommended to use special orthopedic equipment that reduces the load on the joints. This includes an orthosis and a fixation bandage.
The orthosis fully follows the contours of the ankle, increases the range of motion, relieves swelling and pain. The fixation bandage has the same effect as the orthosis. It is made of soft elastic fabric that allows you to adjust the joint well. The bandage is used only during periods of remission, when the irritation passes.
Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint is a serious disease that, if not fully treated, leads to serious consequences and complete immobility of the joint. Diagnosis at the initial stage, careful attention to symptoms and competent therapy make it possible to avoid surgical intervention.